About me
Biondo Biondi is the Barney and Estelle Morris Professor and Chair of the Geophysics
Department at Stanford University. He is director of the Stanford Earth imaging Project
(SEP). SEP is an industry-funded academic consortium whose mission is to develop
innovative seismic imaging methods and to educate the next generation of leaders in
applied seismology. SEP has pioneered innovations in 3-D seismic imaging and processing
for more than 50 years. Today, it is continuing to make important contributions to the
research on data analysis and imaging with an increasing focus on novel applications to
support the ongoing energy transition.
In 2004 the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) honored Biondo with the
Reginald Fessenden Award. In 2006 Biondo published with SEG the book “3D Seismic
Imaging” that was the first book to introduce the theory of seismic imaging from the 3-D
perspective. In 2007 Biondo was the SEG/EAGE Distinguished Short Course Instructor.